Microbiome Insights

Is your brand falling behind on sustainable beauty?
With consumers demanding cleaner beauty products, sustainability isn’t optional; it’s a business necessity. Here’s how leading brands are stepping up.

Are your cosmetic preservatives causing more harm than good?
Common cosmetic preservatives can reduce product efficacy by disrupting the skin microbiota. Get the facts on microbiome-friendly options like XOBiome® Protect.

The scalp microbiome: The key to next-gen hair care
Scalp microbiome science presents groundbreaking opportunities for visionary hair & beauty brands. Here’s what you need to know…

What are nutricosmetics, and why should you consider creating one?
Also known as edible beauty products and ingestible cosmetics, ‘nutricosmetics’ offer a new approach to skincare – one that’s rapidly growing in popularity.

Could balancing your microbiome be the key to a fitter, healthier life?
So many factors can contribute to our physical health and wellbeing - but did you know that your microbiome actually plays a significant role in your athletic performance, and vice versa?

Why opt for bioactive skincare?
Our skin absorbs a significant amount of what we put on it. Rather than exacerbating skin dysbiosis, we work with safe bioactive ingredients to support microbiome balance.

What's missing from the full picture of health?
Do your customers understand the full picture of their health? Here’s what they need to know about how their microbiome impacts their entire lives.

BiomeCentric at the epicentre of regenerative medicine research

Common signs and causes of a skin microbiome imbalance
Skin microbiome imbalance leads to many skin issues. Here’s why your customers—and your business—will benefit from microbiome skincare and beauty products.

4 powerful ways the skin microbiome affects skin health
Bacteria, fungi and viruses are essential for healthy skin. This is why more and more consumers and businesses are turning to microbiome skincare. Learn more…

What do pre-, post- and probiotics do?
Heard of probiotics? There are pre- and post-biotics too! And their benefits play a large role in our skin and gut health. Here’s what you need to know…

Are essential oils safe for the microbiome?
How safe are essential oils? Here’s what you need to know about essential oils, the skin microbiome, ingredient safety, quality and product integration.

3 ways the microbiome will future-proof your brand
If you want to stay ahead of the curve and future-proof your brand, the microbiome may be your missing piece. Here are three reasons why…

How next-generation DNA sequencing sets microbiome skincare apart
The science behind microbiome skincare is booming—thanks to the unparalleled insights we gain through next-generation DNA sequencing. Discover how it works.

Top 5 reasons customers choose microbiome skincare
Customers are beyond ready for science-backed skincare that kicks generic products out of the water. Here are 5 reasons why people choose microbiome skincare today.

Are you ready to take on the future of skincare?
Starting a microbiome skincare range? Consider yourself a pioneer. As you begin, you’ll discover a completely new approach to skincare. Here’s how we can help!

Microbiome skincare versus the industry standard
Microbiome skincare is undoubtedly gaining an industry edge. Why? Let’s take a look at how the microbiome is keeping industry leaders on their toes.

Let’s change the face of cosmetics with the skin microbiome
Our best advice for cosmetic brands seeking to make a real difference through the skin microbiome? Leave no room for quality compromise or market reproach.

Is your market ready for microbiome health and beauty?
Ready to disrupt the health and beauty market with microbiome-focused skincare? Find out how to target your customer with an authentic cosmetic product.

6 steps to manufacturing your cosmetic product
Our end-to-end cosmetic manufacturing services make one thing certain: your new product won’t be just another drop in the ocean of cosmetic solutions.